Sunday, August 11, 2013

Started work on our tactical range.

Me and my brother started building our own range a few days ago.  We are going to build multiple target stands and different cover/concealment areas.  All will be able to be moved so we can set up multiple stages, similar to IDPA or IPSC.  This will be a great way to better our shooting skills, and just enjoy some time shooting.

The cool thing is, all of this was made from materials scavenged from work and other places, so total cost for this is whatever the nails cost.  That leaves more money for ammo!  Now if I could just find some...

 This is what we have so far:

Target Stands:

These are overbuilt as heck, but we plan on using them for a while so that's a good thing.  I got the dimensions for IDPA targets off the internet and cut several out of scrap cardboard slip sheets. 

Cover/Concealment wall: 

These can be used with the window or just as a wall.

This is one of the target stands set up.  We were using it for the extremely tactical role of sighting in Jesse's .22 mag.

Here is a video of everything set up:

This is just a start, we are going to build a lot more stuff as we get time.  I want to get some steel targets to add as well.

Thanks for checking it out, and don't forget to like Tattooed Gunner on Facebook at

~Tattooed Gunner

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