About TattooedGunner

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TattooedGunner is a blog about my adventures in my two favorite hobbys: Guns and Tattoos. I am a lifelong gun lover.  I have been around guns my entire life, and have always loved shooting them.  I can appreciate the beauty of an old blue and wood deer rifle but I have always been drawn towards pistols and modern semi-automatic rifles.  I also enjoy buying, selling, and trading firearms.  I have met a lot of good people along the way, and I have owned everything from $50 saturday night specials to >$1000 Kimber 1911s and a lot of guns in between.

I am an eternal student.  I don't claim to be an expert but I am always learning.  I enjoy attending training classes and practicing the skills and drills I learn.  I also try to learn as much as I can from other blogs, videos, and training dvds.  I think in this day and age there is no excuse for being ignorant.  I hope you will join me on my journey to becoming a better shooter, and I hope I can help some people out along the way. 

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I would love to hear from you.  I am always open to comments, questions, or constructive criticism.  There is a contact me link at the top of the page.

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